Pandora’s revenue during the lastfour quarters was just $417 million. "A 7% share ofthe $16 billion radio advertising market is worth $980 million to broadcast radio. radio listening in June," writes Billboard's Glenn Peoples. Billboard says its analysis of Pandora's business modelindicates it is, in fact, "well-positioned to turn its massive listening audience into profits."It's simply a matter of monetizing its audience at the same rate as broadcast radio, according to the analysis."Pandora had roughly a 7% share of U.S. Billboard on Pandora: If it monetizes listening like AM/FM, it'ssustainablePandora's ratio of revenue to its share of radio listening means earningspotential, says BillboardPosted by: Paul MaloneyLabels and performers critical of Pandora's efforts to lower the royalties it pays often say the webcaster shouldsimply sell more ads and generate more revenue.